Judy Knudsen
Family Living Educator
Brought to you by the Brown County UW-Extension Office-An AA/EEO employer, University of Wisconsin-Extension provides equal opportunities in employment and programming, including Title VI, Title IX and ADA requirements
To 1 cup of this grain
Add this much water
Bring to a boil and simmer for:
Amount after cooking
2 cups
20-25 minutes
3 ½ cups
Barley, hulled
3 cups
45-60 minutes
3 ½ cups
2 cups
20 minutes
4 cups
2 cups
10-12 minutes
3 cups
Cornmeal (Polenta)
4 cups
25-30 minutes
2 ½ cups
Couscous, whole wheat
2 cups
10 minutes (heat off)
3 cups
Kamut® grain
4 cups
Soak overnight then cook 45-60 minutes
3 cups
Millet, hulled
2 ½ cups
20-35 minutes
4 cups
Oats, steel cut
4 cups
20 minutes
4 cups
Pasta, whole wheat
6 cups
8-12 minutes (varies by size)
2 cups
12-15 minutes
3+ cups
Rice, brown
2 1/2cups
25-45 minutes (varies by variety)
3-4 cups
Rye berries
4 cups
Soak overnight then cook 45-60 minutes
3 cups
4 cups
25-40 minutes
3 cups
Spelt berries
4 cups
Soak overnight, then cook 45-60 minutes
3 cups
Wheat berries
4 cups
Soak overnight, then cook 45-60 minutes
3 cups
Wild rice
3 cups
45-55 minutes
3 ½ cups