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Friday, July 18, 2014

Healthy Summer Snacks

Healthy Summer Snacks
Summertime is all about getting outside and having a good time. When on the go, having portable snacks is necessary.  Other days will be hot and refreshing snacks will be best.  Other days may be hectic and mess-free snacks will work best. Here are some snack ideas fors summer when you encounter these situations:
·         Pinwheels. Spread light cream cheese on a sun-dried-tomato tortilla and top with thinly sliced ham. Roll up the tortilla and cut into 1/2-inch pieces.
·         Popcorn. Make popcorn in the microwave, on the stove or in an air popper. Skip the butter and add some parmesan cheese. Or, make it sweet with a little cinnamon and sugar.
·         Trail mix. Mix together equal parts cereal, nuts, seeds, pretzels and dry fruit.         
Beat the heat
·         Honeydew Lemon-Lime Ice pops. Puree diced honeydew melon with fresh lime juice and zest in a food processor. Mix puree with lemon-lime soda. Transfer to popsicle mold and freeze for 6 hours.
·         Banana ice cream. Place frozen banana pieces in the bowl of a food processor fitted with a steel blade. Turn on the machine and process bananas until they create a frosty, yet creamy puree. Serve immediately and top with some chopped nuts, fresh fruit, a little chocolate syrup or some peanut butter; whatever toppings your kids love.
·         Frozen grapes.  Wash grapes and pat dry with a paper towel. Line a baking sheet with paper towels. Place grapes on paper towels, trying to leave some space between them. Freeze until firm. Eat frozen. Don't let the grapes thaw -- they may become mushy. *Important: Grapes of any kind can pose a choking hazard for children ages 3 and under.
·         Portable milk. Milk is a great source of calcium and protein. Keep some mini cartons in the refrigerator.
·         Cheese sticks. Buy some low-fat mozzarella cheese sticks for an easy and healthy no-mess snack.
Written by: Lauren Von Drashek- Dietetic Intern for Brown County UW-Extension


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