Increase Intake of Fresh Herbs for Everyday Health
When most of us plan to cook with herbs, we often refer
to a recipe and the small amounts of dried herbs it calls for (think chili or
spaghetti). That is because herbs are typically separated from other plant-based
foods (e.g., vegetables) as “food seasonings” rather than just another type of
edible plant. Since so many herbs have concentrated flavor in their dried
state, categorizing them as seasonings makes sense. However, many herbs are
quite mild in their fresh forms and can be eaten in large amounts similar to
leafy green vegetables. Since herbs are plants just like vegetables, they are
physically, biochemically and nutritionally quite similar to leafy greens such
as lettuce, spinach and kale. Yet we typically do not eat fresh herbs in the
same ways and quantities as vegetables.
Most “soft-stemmed” herbs (parsley,
basil, dill), however, can be used in large amounts in salads and on
sandwiches. Other fresh herbs (mint, lavender, rosemary) can easily be added in
smaller amounts, but more frequently, to drinks and as toppings on snacks and
desserts. And, herbs can pack in just as much nutrition as vegetables!
Just like green leafy vegetables, fresh herbs contain
large amounts of vitamins A, C and K. Many herb plants also contain
polyphenols. Polyphenols are plant compounds that have both antioxidant and
anti-inflammatory capabilities. Polyphenols are only found in plants and
plant-based products, which is why diets rich in plant-based foods can offer
“protection against the development of cancers, cardiovascular diseases,
diabetes, osteoporosis and neurodegenerative diseases,” according to a 2009
study conducted by Pandey and Rizvi. The polyphenols in herbs and other
plant-based foods can also reduce chronic
inflammation and its associated risk for chronic disease. In addition, science-based
research on herbal application in medicine is growing, and
future findings may substantiate some of the more specific benefits herbs have
on particular ailments. Regardless of those medicinal unknowns, however,
increased consumption of food-based herbs can still have over-reaching health
benefits similar to other plant-based foods. So add more fresh herbs to your
Unlike American cuisine, many other cultures have
utilized large quantities of fresh herbs in their traditional foods, and some
of these foods are becoming more popular in the USA. Tabbouleh is a
parsley salad that is historically popular in Middle Eastern culture but is now
quite common in the USA. Italians and Asians have been eating significant
amounts of fresh basil on caprese salads, in pesto, and as a regular condiment to accompany many Asian main dishes. Many US
citizens have adopted similar eating patterns. Other fresh herb habits are less
familiar to us, such as the Scandinavian tendency to dump handfuls of fresh
dill on top of fish stews such as Finnish
Lohikeitto (LOW-hee-gay-doe).
Ideas for eating more herbs on a regular basis:
- Make salads with herbs as the main ingredient (e.g., Tabbouleh).
- Substitute 1/2 of the greens in lettuce salads with herbs such as parsley, dill, and basil.
- Mix handfuls of fresh herbs into cold potato and pasta salads.
- Top soups with handfuls of fresh herbs.
- Garnish an entire dinner plate with fresh herbs.
- Make a sandwich with herbs rather than lettuce (e.g., grilled cheese with basil).
- Add fresh herbs to drinks (mint lemonades and rosemary ice teas, fresh chamomile in hot tea).
- Use fresh herb sauces in pasta or on top of cooked meats (pesto in pasta; fresh mint sauce on cooked lamb).
- Sprinkle lavender, rosemary, and mint leaves on cakes, ice creams, and fruit cocktailsSource: Sarah Rautio, Michigan State University Extension
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