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Thursday, June 30, 2011

Freezing Strawberries

Freezing Strawberries
Strawberry season has finally arrived in Northeast Wisconsin. To preserve the goodness of this summer treat, try freezing the berries.

Begin by gently washing the berries. Drain well. For a unsweetened loose pack, place berries on trays in a single layer, freeze for one to two hours, then pack in freezer bags or freezer containers and return to the freezer.

For sugar pack, berries may be left whole, sliced, or crushed. Sprinkle sugar on berries on gently mix until sugar is dissolved. Pack in freezer containers or freezer bags. Using a dry sugar pack instead of syrup gives you flexibility on how much sugar to use, and does not dilute flavor with water.

A syrup pack may be used. For a thin syrup mix together two cups of sugar and four cups of water. Heat mixture until sugar is dissolved. This syrup will not mask the taste of mild-flavored fruits. A medium syrup which consists of four cups of water and three cups of sugar is recommended for whole fruits.

Strawberries may be kept frozen for one year for optimal quality.


  1. Excellent Recipe Congratulation!!!!!!

    1. I prefer to use cherries instead strawberries! it's my favorite fruit!
