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Thursday, December 1, 2011

Added Sugars Can be Hidden Source of Calories

Added Sugars Can be Hidden Source of Calories

For many people, added sugars are a hidden source of extra calories that can make it hard to stay at a healthy body weight. On average, one of every six calories we eat comes from hidden sugars.
Cutting back on added sugars is a good way to improve the nutritional quality of your diet. Here are some suggestions to limit added sugars to your diet:
• Drink water, low fat/skim milk, 100 percent fruit juice, coffee or tea instead of drinks with added sugar.
• Cut back on desserts, baked treats, and candies.
• Snack on fruits and vegetables, whole grain breads and crackers, yogurt, low-fat cheese and nuts.
• When you bake, look for recipes that use less sugar.
• Check the ingredient labels on processed foods and avoid those with lots of sugars.

Added sugars are sugars and syrups that are put in when foods and beverages are processed or prepared. Over a third of added sugars in the diet of most Americans come from soda and other sweetened beverages. Energy drinks, sports drinks and fancy coffee beverages are in this category.

The best way to know which foods and beverages are high in added sugars is to check the ingredient list. A product is high in added sugar if one of the first two or three ingredients listed are high fructose corn syrup, white sugar, brown sugar, corn syrup, corn syrup solids, raw sugar, malt syrup, maple syrup, pancake syrup, molasses, honey, fructose and dextrose.

Source: Susan Nitzke, UW-Extension Specialist and Professor Emeritus in Nutritional Sciences at the University of Wisconsin-Madison

1 comment:

  1. Its really a something amazing about sugar. Yeah, its true that Sugar would be the best source of calorie.
