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Thursday, January 31, 2013

Whole Grains

Whole Grains

One of the recommendations in the 2010 Dietary Guidelines is to “consume at least half of all grains as whole grains. Increase whole-grain intake by replacing refined grains with whole grains.” When grains grow in the field, they have three edible parts: the outer bran layers, rich in fiber and B vitamins; the germ full of antioxidants; and the starchy endosperm. If the bran and germ are removed, the grain is said to be refined.
I have done a couple of whole grain presentations in the past week and one activity I use is asking participants to identify whole grains. Some of them are easy to identify – popcorn, oatmeal, brown rice and whole wheat pasta. Some of them are not, but can be purchased in most grocery stores.
Give the following a try, they are often easy to prepare, tasty and nutritious.

  • Quinoa Rice is an edible seed. Since it is cooked and eaten like a whole grain, it is commonly referred to as a grain. It can be substituted for couscous or rice.
  • Wheat berries are the whole grain form of wheat – the whole complete grain before it undergoes processing. It can be added to salads and baked in bread.
  • Buckwheat grouts are hulled seeds of the buckwheat plant. It can be steam cooked like rice and added to salads and side dishes.
  • Millet is an ancient grain. It is cooked like oatmeal. This makes a nice side dish with meat.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Chronic Disease

Chronic Disease

Chronic disease can be extremely expensive. The link below highlights the anticipated cost savings of obesity prevention.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Ways to Enjoy More Fruits, Vegetables, Whole Grains and Dairy Products

Ways to Enjoy More Fruits, Vegetables, Whole Grains and Dairy Products
In the United States, intakes of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, milk and milk products are lower than recommended. As a result, dietary intakes of several nutrients – potassium, dietary fiber, calcium and vitamin D are low enough to be of concern for both adults and children.
Here are some great ways to enjoy more fruits, vegetables, whole grains and dairy products.
• Variety abounds when vegetables are added to pizza. Mushrooms, tomatoes, peppers and zucchini are great additions.
• Mix up a smoothie with low-fat milk, frozen strawberries and a banana.
• Make a veggie wrap with roasted vegetables, low-fat cheese rolled in a whole-wheat tortilla.
• Grill colorful vegetable kabobs packed with tomatoes, colorful peppers, mushrooms and onions.
• Make a banana split by topping a sliced banana with a scoop of low-fat frozen yogurt. Sprinkle with fresh fruit and chopped nuts.
• Stuff an omelet with vegetables.
• Make a habit of adding fruit to your morning oatmeal, waffle or yogurt.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Don't Let Winter Weather Derail Your Fitness Plans

Don’t Let Winter Weather Derail Your Fitness Plans
During the winter months, being active can be a challenge. Here are some tips from Susan Nitzke, nutrition specialist with UW-Extension and professor emerita of Nutritional Sciences at UW-Madison to ensure winter does not derail your fitness plans.
Being active.
--When it’s too cold or icy to take a walk outside, check your community’s schools, parks and senior centers for indoor programs such as yoga or group exercise classes.
--If there’s an indoor pool in your community, find out when it’s available for community members.
--Do you like to dance? Dancing is a great way to enjoy vigorous movement without even noticing how hard you’re working.
--When you watch TV, walk or jog in place during the commercial breaks.
--Plan social activities that involve exercise. Invite friends to walk with you at the mall or join a local group, such as the YMCA.
--Ask your local library to help you find an exercise video that’s appropriate for children. Then make it a game to try out the movements with your children or grandchildren.

Overall, if you eat 100 more food calories a day than your body needs, you can easily gain a pound in a month. For most people, watching what they eat and being physically active are both necessary to stay fit and healthy. It may not sound as exciting or trendy as the latest fad diet or fitness gadget, but eating well and being active is the combination that works best in the long run.

For more information, check out the Dietary Guidelines for Americans advice for consumers at and track your progress with the free “SuperTracker” and other personalized tools for nutrition and physical activity at

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Don't Let Winter Weather Derail Your Eating Well Plans

Don’t Let Winter Weather Derail Your Eating Well Plans

Madison, Wis.--The cold, snowy days of winter can make it a challenge to keep active and eat healthfully. Susan Nitzke, nutrition specialist with the University of Wisconsin-Extension and professor emerita of nutritional sciences at the UW-Madison, offers these tips to help you stay fit when it’s hard to get outdoors.
Eating well. Comfort foods, treats and sugary beverages often have more calories than they are worth, nutritionally speaking. Consider your options and plan to make healthy changes that work for you. For example:
--Instead of cookies or candy, have a piece of fruit when you’re hungry for something sweet. A cup of blueberries or grapes has less than 100 calories and satisfies that desire for sweetness.
--Keep cherry tomatoes, pepper strips snap peas, or carrots handy in your refrigerator for a quick and nutritious snack, perhaps with some hummus or yogurt dip.
--When a high-calorie food is the only thing that will do, keep the portion size small. Eat that cookie in small bites and relish the flavor so that you don’t mindlessly eat more than you really want.
--Think about nutrition in the beverages you consume, as well as food. When you’re thirsty, nothing’s better than water. Or drink some tea or coffee with a minimum of sugar or cream. Pure, 100-percent fruit juice and low-fat or nonfat milk are much better for your body than sugary sodas.
--Use the Nutrition Facts label and the Ingredients list on food labels to choose nutritious low-fat and low-sugar foods and beverages at the grocery store.
--Don’t abandon your good intentions when eating out. Pick a restaurant that has healthy choices and reasonably sized portions.

Friday, January 11, 2013

Healthy Habits Can Save You Money

Healthy Habits Can Save You Money

We know that not smoking, being active and making healthy food choices are good for our bodies. But what about our wallets? Research shows that healthy habits can save us money.
Here are some tips for increasing your health and wealth in 2013.
  • Take a brisk walk for 30 minutes (or more) each day. “Research shows that people who get regular physical activity are less likely to have heart disease, Type 2 diabetes, osteoporosis and some cancers.
  • Being physically active helps people manage their stress, blood pressure, blood sugar and body weight. Studies show that average out-of-pocket spending for individuals with at least one chronic medical condition such as diabetes was $655 annually per person. For individuals with three or more chronic conditions it was $1,865 annually. Compare these costs to the cost of a pair of comfortable walking shoes. And, if you walk or bike to short destinations instead of taking a car, then you could save on transportation costs.
  • Enjoy your food but eat less. Choosing smaller portions of food often means consuming fewer calories and maintaining a healthy weight, especially if you’re cutting back on desserts, high-fat meats and sugary beverages. Research indicates that medical costs for U.S. employers for obesity-related medical claims alone accounted for almost $250 per employee in 2007--costs usually passed on to employees in the form of higher insurance premiums. Eating smaller portions also means savings by purchasing less food.
  • Wash your hands. Lathering up with soap and water, and scrubbing your hands for 20 seconds is key to preventing illnesses such as colds and flu. Staying healthy could also save wages. For example, an employee making $10 per hour without the benefit of sick leave would lose $80 per day if they missed work due to illness or to care for a sick child.
  • Drink water in place of sugary beverages. Replacing sugary beverages with water can save hundreds of dollars a year. For example, if you spend $1 per day on soda and replace it with tap water, you could save $30 per month or $360 per year.
  • Eat fruit in place of sweet snacks. Fruits are loaded with nutrients, low in calories and can reduce the risk of developing chronic disease such as cancer. Coleman notes that the cost of a piece of fruit might be about the same as a candy bar, but when you look at potential cost savings for preventing illness, fruit is the better bargain.
  • Plan and prepare low-cost meals. A few hours a week spent planning your shopping and preparing meals can save your family hundreds of dollars a year. Include foods that are a good buy--produce that is in season or lean meat that is on sale. Planning a weekly menu also increases the chances that food you purchase will be used before it spoils. For example, you might save $5 per week by bringing two lunches from home rather than eating out, which adds up to $20 per month or $240 per year. And don’t forget to use foods that you might get from programs like WIC or gardens
  • Read labels and follow directions. For example, if you or a family member have a nut allergy and are not able to read food labels, the consequences can be significant. Research indicates that the cost of low health literacy to the Wisconsin economy is in the range of $3.4 billion to $7.6 billion annually.
  • Prevent illness. You’ve probably heard the phrase “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” The same thing applies to healthcare costs. Getting a flu vaccine at the local drugstore might cost $30 a year. But you save on the costs of medications, lost work, doctors’ visits and even hospitalization to treat the flu if you get sick. Similarly, early detection and treatment of diseases such as heart disease, diabetes and cancer through low-cost screenings, could save you the costs of more extensive treatment down the road.
Here’s to health and wealth in 2013!

Source: Gayle Coleman, UW-Extension Specialist

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Have You Made Resolutions for a Healthier 2013?

Have You Made Resolutions for A Healthier 2013?
Like millions of Americans you’ve probably made your New Year’s resolutions for the year. Losing weight, eating healthier and being more physically active are some of the most common. But many New Year’s resolutions focusing on adopting healthy behaviors are often abandoned after a few weeks. One of the reasons for this is lack of specific goals. Research shows that the more specific the goal, the more successful the outcome. Adopting any of the following resolutions may bring better outcomes.
  Resolution #1: Eat Breakfast. People who consistently start their day with a healthy breakfast tend to have healthier weights and are more likely to lose weight and maintain their loss.
  Resolution #2: Limit sedentary activities. Studies indicate that people who set limits on sedentary activities such as watching television, tend to be more active. Before setting out to be more physically active, health professionals often recommend that individuals first limit the amount of time they spend on sedentary activities i.e. limit television viewing to no more than two hours per day.
  Resolution #3: Exercise one hour per day. Individuals who engage in daily physical activity for at least an hour report greater success in losing weight.
  Resolution #4: Practice portion control. Reducing the amount of food you eat will obviously help with reducing your caloric intake and result in weight loss. One way to cut down on portions is to use a smaller plate or bowl. Avoid the “bigger size” option at fast food restaurants or share an entrĂ©e with someone when dining out.
  Resolution #5: Eat more fruits and vegetables. Increasing fruit and vegetable intake has many health benefits. Studies show that as fruit and vegetable intake increases, high fat and high sugar intake decreases, which may result in weight loss and other health benefits.